iBin a Portable Recycle Bin for USB pendrive

Saturday, January 09, 2010
We all know the lifesaver "Recycle Bin" in windows. By default, windows send all the deleted files to recycle bin, so that its not last for ever and can be recovered. This means you have a second chance of  retrieval and removal.

Where as the recycle bin doesn't cover the same process with USB Dirves. Once its deleted in USB drive, its been last for ever.

Fortunately, iBin does it.It's a portable application that you can throw on a USB flash drive to create a portable recycle bin. Basically, all you have to do is download iBin, copy it to your flash drive, and run it. From then on, whenever you try to delete an item on your flash drive, a window will pop up asking if you really want to erase it, or if you want to dump it into your iBin.

You can then right-click the iBin icon in your Windows system tray to undo the last dumping, clean the bin, or open up the Dumping Management window where you can clear or recover (recycle) selected items.

The application is available as a free download for all versions of Windows. 



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