Thursday, September 10, 2009
Google is developing a micropayment platform that will be an extension of Google Checkout. The system will reportedly be available to both Google, as well as non-Google properties within the next year, and will primarily target the newspaper industry.

This comes after the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) approached several major technology companies in search for paid content proposals. In an eight-page response to the NAA, Google illustrates its "vision of a premium content ecosystem," which would include subscriptions across multiple news sites, syndication on third-party sites, accessibility to search, and various payment options including micropayments.

The search giant's new payment system is only in the early planning stages, but it says Google Checkout is currently equipped to handle subscription payments for news sites -- though it calls the process for merchants "fairly rudimentary." The plan in its entirety is quite interesting and can be found at Niemanlab.


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